Back at Urban Roots

We were thrilled to be invited back to Urban Roots to present another canning workshop this week. The 2010 group was bigger than last year, with 25 eager students learning the basics of canning.

Of course, it’s all a bunch of boring theory until we break out the Bohemian Bounty made samples – plum jelly, pickled okra, dilly beans, grape jelly, and cinnamon peach conserve with almonds. Then the eyes light up, the smiles break out and everyone realizes what they grow is only the beginning of what they can make with it.

With their enthusiastic help, we put up about 36 pints of okra and 36 half pints of mixed pepper jam. Every student took home a jar of each and the extras will fill the CSA baskets.

Look for a Bohemian Bounty canning class soon!