Get Ready, Set, Grow…

Time to plant seeds! Cold as the nights may be, it is time to start planning for your summer garden – tomatoes, peppers and more. Like many garden projects they begin with order and good intention and end as a new adventure story for the garden journal. Seeds are the money saver and after a while you need not even buy seeds anymore. You can save them or trade them or even get them from ripened produce from the grocery store or farmer’s market. Great sources for seeds are the Natural Gardener but you can also shop online. We have had great fun shopping at Seeds of Change, Renee’s Garden, and Johnny’s Seeds. If you want to get seeds for a school garden contact Seeds of Change or Renee’s Garden for a discount.

For those of you who cannot fathom planning this far ahead or are reluctant to plant seeds the size of dust there will be plants at your local nursery, feed stores and home improvement store come March. Be mindful of those last few freezes. Right now there will be no seed sprouting in an open gardens due to the cold soil temperature. Most seeds need soil temperatures to be 75 degrees on average. Seeds will need to be started indoors and window sill sprouting kits are available at home improvement stores or nurseries. This is a great family project and children are often more diligent in tending the sprouts than busy parents. There is something so magical in seeing a seed push up to the sun and become a giver of food. Follow seed packet directions and use organic fertilizer to keep your veggies safe and your home less toxic.

Grow Forth and Prosper, Jen